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filme  Melodia Imortal

  • VHS - Melodia Imortal
- Clássicos - NDL

Ano: 1956
Tradução: Legendado

Diretor: George Sidney - imdb
Ator: James Whitmore - imdb
Ator: Kim Novak - imdb
Ator: Rex Thompson - imdb
Ator: Tyrone Power - imdb

Melodia Imortal ( The Eddy Duchin Story).
Pesquise o filme no IMDB
A história do talentoso pianista, que encantou o mundo musical nos anos 1930 e 40, mas conheceu o sabor da amargura quando seu grande amor morreu precocemente.

The era of the big bands, grand ballrooms, and casino nightlife comes alive in The Eddy Duchin Story, a musical biography of the talented pianist and bandleader who set New York society on its ear in the 1930s and 1940s. Tyrone Power portrays a determined Duchin, who arrives in Manhattan dreaming only of a "red Stutz bearcat and a bankroll as big as the Ritz." With the first note he plays, Duchin steals the heart of society girl Marjorie Oelrichs (Kim Novak), who teaches Duchin that love, not money, brings happiness. But as soon as that happiness is purchased, a tragedy happens, leaving Duchin alone with a newborn son and no will to live. George Sidney directs this moving story about a man who discovers too late the real wonder of life. An emotionally rare motion picture scored to the unforgettable music of Cole Porter, George Gershwin, Frederic Chopin, and Oscar Hammerstein.


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