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filme  A Armacao

  • DVD - A Armacao
- Ação

Ano: 1998
Tradução: Legendado

Diretor: Robert Altman - imdb
Ator: Daryl Hannah - imdb
Ator: Kenneth Branagh - imdb
Ator: Robert Downey Jr - imdb
Ator: Robert Duvall - imdb

A Armação ( The Gingerbread Man).
Pesquise o filme no IMDB
Lawyer Rick Magruder has a one-night-stand affair with caterer Mallory Doss. He becomes hooked on her, and when he learns her nut-case father Dixon is threatening her, he puts the weight of his law firm behind Mallory, has Dixon arrested and subpoenas her ex-husband Pete to testify against Dixon in court. Dixon is sent to an asylum, but escapes from there and the lives of many people are in danger.


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